I too have be come way better than to be bothered by guilt for many years now. But when my dogs both died so suddenly and mistakes were made, I found all that guilt I had left behind those many years plus 1000. I was convinced it was my fault in some way I'd lost my babies. The guilt was crippling me so I had to rethink everything and let it go. Of course it wasn't my fault, it wasn't anybodys fault, they were 13 year old dogs even thought they looked like puppies because they were so small. There were tell tale signs I didn't see. I don't think I wanted to see them.

Humlan I posted under re-defining life, Relationships about the dinner. It turned out better than I could have ever imagined. We gobbled up the Chinese/Thai food I ended up ordering and my surprise guest was none other than my grandson Jason home for a weeks furlough from the Marines. They got me good with that one. Thanks for asking...and you are right, it did turn out to be a great day.
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