Originally posted by Sandpiper:
I haven't had surgery or anything. About 10 years ago I found out I had fibroids but have learned to live with them. A couple of years ago when I had a Pap the Dr. said they had gotten so small she could barely detect them.
I am now 55 and still having that dang period. Sometimes it is normal, other times it flows everywhere and then again there is the clotting. All of this I could live without.
My mother had a partial hysterectemy so don't know how early she would have stopped. My twin just had a complete hysterectemy because of endometrial cancer. My older sister just stopped after she had breast cancer surgery. So I have no idea just how long I'll continue.
Does anyone have any ideas on how long we can go? I read some women can go till they are in their 60's. Please God enough.

It does seem like we're on a forever hormone adventure, doesn't it? One problem in answering your question is that no two women are exactly alike....even twins. [Smile]

Since we don't know what we're going to experience exactly, the best way to deal with it is to educate ourselves on the possibilities. It takes awhile to gather ALL the information available, but by talking on boards like this, women are helping each other to know what to expect and that takes some of the fear and confusion out of the process.

1. Realize this is a natural process and you're NOT going crazy or turning into a hypochondriac!

2. Some women start "changing" in their late 30's and some don't start until late 50's. The average age for menopause (which is after having no period (or spotting) for 12 months) is 51. My periods stopped cold when I was 42...I'm 57 now and still "heat up" sometimes. Actually, I just stay perpetually warm, so don't tolerate heat at all!

3. Attitude DOES have a lot to do with it, but the physical problems are real too and you have a right to seek a solution that works for you. Some doctors are still telling us to "get over it". You need to find a new doctor if yours is not working with you to improve how you're feeling.

4. I created Minnie Pauz(R) to help women realize they're not alone and that there IS a lighter side to all this. We need to accept that we are getting older and that doesn't have to mean we're dead! Far from it....it can be a wonderful time of confidence and freedom if we take advantage of all the info and support that's available. Most of all, let's have fun!!