Dotsie - My twin sister is doing great. They caught all the cancer before it spread anywhere, however, the Doc. took out some of the lymph nodes just to be sure. She didn't have to do Chemo or radiation or anything, thank God! My older sister is great. She took chemo for three months once a month. She did great during that time. No cancer there - again my thanks to God.
Yes, it scares me about it. You know, every little new thing you get, your mind goes oh no, I suppose it could be cancer. But so far I've been ok.
I am the last of six children. The story goes that when they told my Dad there were twins, he said I guess it is time to stop when they start coming in two's.
Dotsie, that's scary that so many of your Aunts and Uncles have died of cancer. How is your sister doing? It is a tough think to worry about and see them go through it, right?

Writegirl - I am glad for you that it is on again/off again. I am happy for any woman who stops that mess. Just hoping I do shortly. It seems like the 50's are not too great at times. My twin and I turned 50 in November 1999 and my mother died January 3, 2000. A lot has gone on since then but you know the old sayings, "I've been 30, 20's better, I've been 40, 30's better, I'm 50's and the 40's are better." Some days that's how it feels.
