Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals is surveying women and girls about factors that influence their cycling or decision not to cycle. This is a non-profit organization. It's to get municipalities to improve the road/path facilities, improve municipal-funded programs to make cycling for friendly/possible for women and girls.

It is felt in real indicator of cycling popularity is the level of participation of women and children. There still is abit of tendency in some geographic areas of the world, where men and boys cycle more regularily.

Some useful questions are asked on perspectives on desired cycling infrastructure, personal reasons that influence our cycling or non-cycling, etc.

I did the survey. Survey open until May 15/10. There is a webinar presentation end of Mar. about this project.

Your feedback would be useful. If you look at the questions and multiple choice answers, you will see.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)