What I wanted to say was, "you're on your second wife and second family. Looks to me like you won't be needing your plumbing either so why not cut it? And, I'll help" -evil grin-

He's a jerk, born thataway and will die thataway. A friend of mine almost died 3 months ago because he wouldn't do the necessary surgery on her because she didn't have insurance. She's needed this surgery since last autumn and he kept putting her off until she ended up in the emergency room. She had tumors the size of grapefruit and endometreiosis -which is probably spelled wrong- wrapped around her bowels, lower intestines, etc.

The worst thing about living in a rural area is the lack of competent health care professionals and the lack of female health care professionals as in doctors. There aren't any. Another friend goes back to Richmond, a 6 hour drive, every year for her annual exams. She has a GP here for "minor" health problems. I've been seriously considering going back to Richmond to my former female ob/gyn who was/is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!

And no, Chatty, it's enough he's gotten two woemn to do that for him. I'll not stoop to be the third! -evil grin- Heck, I'm not even going back to him with money in hand!