Dots try buying a bag of frozen mixed veges and a carton of egg beaters omelet mix. Then in some butter or msrgarine, whatever you prefer, add some chopped onion (chop a large one ahead and keep in fridge) some of the frozen veges and then the egg mix. This makes a 'fast' and delicious omelet. I also add some cheese.

I love a bagel with cream cheese fruit and cup of hot tea.

Or try some fresh berries with cream. I add mine to oatmeal usually.

Or what about toaster waffles also frozen, quick and easy topped with berries.

You can have whatever you want for breakfast, no one says it has to be breakfast food as long as you eat something to start your day off right.

My mother likes chipped beef on toast or she'll eat a piece of broiled fish topped with cheese and a side of veges. Mom is 89 going to be 90 in April and has never been overweight one pound.
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