Dotsie, I am amazed at the number of times you say something that is also on my mind!

Felt REALLY bad last week and my husband thought I was losing my mind. Started jotting down my thoughts on this, and offer the following not under any category of poetry but simply words trying to make sense of it all...

Last week I was in Gethsemane
Weeping for the state of my world
Then from invisible wounds
Blood began to pour and mingle with the salt tears
…I descended into hell
Death, not life, came forth from my womb
In dark slimy clots the size of my hand.
For a week I lingered in the stone cold tomb.
Now I am resurrected – born again, come alive
Ignore the chocolate in the fridge, diet on salad, exercise!
Smile at my partner again, engage in real life
With any luck I’ve got three good weeks
Before the whole darn cycle starts again