Thanks yonuh. It began yesterday and ended late this afternoon. We got over two feet, possibly our biggest storm ever. Our power went out last night around 10:00 and was out until mid afternoon. We were shocked when it came back on because we didn't think there was any way BG&E could be out working in the storm. What a pleasant surprise, and boy are we grateful for our warm home and electricity now!

Shoveled out two cars and most of our driveway, but have a long way to go. Church has been cancelled for the morning so I know what we'll be doing; more shoveling.

At 4:00 this morning I began thinking about my office which is glassed in. I realized I had no heat out there so Ross had to come down, unhook my PC and bring the tower up to the warmest room in the house, our bedroom. Crazy. We just got it hooked back up, but this office is still cold so I'm only posting this update.

Hope everyone else is well. Will cehck back tomorrow. HAve a good night.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.