I'm putting this under menopause symptoms because that's where I started last summer when diagnosed with ovarian cysts. I had terrible periods, and terrible insomnia. When my gynocologist started getting the look of surgery in her eyes, I started on a year-long (so far) quest for better health and have learned so much. I was lucky to find a regular MD who is exploring with alternative methods. Most of the cures have been through diet and herbal remedies (pills).
I have to say that most of my symptoms are gone --including asthma! I started with a cure for adrenal exhaustion, including a cure for h. pylori bacter which is a parasitic bacteria that lives in your stomach and probably led to the adrenal exhaustion but can potentially lead to stomach cancer and ulcers.
Then in July I took a blood test for "food toxicity". I guess it's similar to food allergies. They check for antibodies in your blood to see what foods your body treats as toxic then they give you a diet to follow. They rate the foods on a scale of 1 - 4, with 4 being the most toxic. I was amazed to find that foods that I shouldn't eat are eggs, black pepper, cane sugar, safflower oil, celery, radishes, and -- most of all -- yeast!
Besides the fact that my blood sees yeast as a toxin, I also had a huge amount of candida of my intestines. So for 10 days I had to avoid all the toxic foods, PLUS anything that makes yeast grow, which includes more yeast (i.e., breads, etc.), and almost all carbohydrates, like rice, oats, potatoes, fruit, and cows' milk products, etc. I grossed myself out by eating meat almost three times a day.
But now, believe or not, I can sleep again. Of course, most of my favorite foods are gone for now (I am a chocoholic, big time. I still have a huge chunk of Ghiradelli dark chocolate stashed away.)
The thing with the diet is that you abstain for 60-90 days, then you can start rotating the foods back into your diet starting with the 1's.