Acutally believe it or not, the women were a group of writers from my church. Yep. Writers and they go to Church.

Not all are rude. In fact, most are very nice and the girl who started the group is a good friend. Several seemed embarrassed by those who were rude. The leader of the rudeness is a long time church member who disrupts every meeting by talking incessantly about her ailments, her superior intellect, her superior writing (never published), her husband's ailments (Even his impotence believe it or not) and repeatedly about when she tried out for Miss something or other at the age of eighteen. I think she's probably insecure, but she brings out the worst in a couple of others and they all compete at being high maintenance or something. They turn the meetings into a free for all.

I really felt sorry for the girl who was trying to present the program. She never even got started before the really rude lady disrupted with a big bathroom announcement followed by a long description of her bladder problem and a complaint about the tea then she yelled at my dog. That got a couple of others started and everything went down hill from there.

Sorry for the rant. Sometimes it's all you can do.


P.S. None of the women are diabetic. The really rude lady who refused a brownie has a relative who is diabetic and is convinced she will be one or something, but refused the fruit and wound up eating part of another girl's brownie.

I should write a book about this group, either a comedy or if they come here again, a murder mystery. [Smile]

[ June 25, 2006, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]