Sandpiper, this is a very old post, but I resurrected it to say a big THANK YOU! Even hubby was tired of our old method and when he complained, I told him about your idea. He loved it, and we went out this week, bought the foamboard and he cut it to size. I wrapped it with the old red quilted material that used to be under my family's Christmas tree for as long as I can remember (which makes it very special). Then we went shopping for the ribbon and found a huge roll of what I wanted, and because it had been opened by someone and a piece was missing, they sold this enormous roll to us for $3.00! A good deal!!

So hubby and I worked together on it, and finished it this morning, and it's beautiful. I'll try to post a picture later to show you. We put all of our cards in it, and it's gorgeous! Hubby's delighted, I'm happy that we found a solution to work on together, and I love how it looks in our living room. Thank you again, Sandpiper for sharing this. I remembered this all year, and finally put it into action. Thought you'd like to know!!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)