I went from 173 to 133 by following the South Beach diet or way of living. I also lowered my colesterol and raised my good colesterol.
I didn't follow it to the T but just ate a lot of cheese and protein and vegetables. No bread or white stuff like sugar and baked goods.
I love peanut butter, so I had celery stalks with peanut butter or laughing cow cheese for snacks, had a big juicy steak and asparagus or a cobb salad or a buffalo chicken salad with bleu cheese dressing. I always use olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a lot of garlic.
If you drink, Vodka has no carbs. Red wine is also good for you.
It is an easy way to eat and fills you up. It tastes good and if you like eggs, make them deviled eggs with real mayonnaise.
Make a large bowl of anti pasta and snack on that: Cut up in squares, mozzarella cheese, colby or cheddar cheese, summer sausage, black olives, green olives and olive oil, garlic and Italian seasoning. The longer it sits the better it tastes.
I walked every day as if a bear was behind me nipping at my heels and worked my arms while walking.
Being in love helps and eating dark chocolate helps also.