Marg, Smiles (you crazy woman)Ladybug, Dotsie, The Divine Ms M (Meredith), Brenda, Nancy, Chick (you skinny minnie) and my bud Robin ... whew!

You all have made my week! No joke. I feel like I have my very own cheerleading squad. Should I be sending you all matching outfits? hahahah... Wait! That would be sooo cool! Have you seen the broads who have the new show that are boomers and they went back to college? They have a cheer they do in a commerical that is hysterical!

AnyWAY...I just got back from my walk (@ 30 min) with Trixie and boy was it invigorating! I cannot believe how just changing a few things can change so MANY other things. It's like a domino effect.

Anyway, haven't lost any more weight, but steady as she goes!

Hugs, and here's your cheer for the day!

rah rah ree,
kick um in the knee,
rah rah rass,
kick um in ....
the other knee!