Chatty - so sad about your friend. It is amazing that something so "harmless" as food can be so deadly. What a lesson. And good for you losing weight over the holidays! THAT is an accomplishment.

Thanks so much Avalon - it was my pleasure. And thanks for those affirmations - I'm believing it too.

So often in life we get what we focus on - and I'm focusing on success in several areas! Woooo hoooo.

Please do let me know about the rebounder - I'm hesitant to put another "laundry drying maching" in my house (hangs clothes on unused exercies equipment)...but no, actually, becuz I have read about the benefits of rebounding for the entire body, I am interested.

YOU Avalon, have been a blessing to ME, and to many others. Thanks for sharing yourself with us this year!
