
Many years ago, when I weighed a wopping 180, I read a book called "Staying Thin". This was in the early 80's ONE thing stuck from reading that book.(I cannot tell you anything else I read)

He said, "Just tell yourself that if you do not eat that (chocolate cake, candy,chips etc) you will not die! That was the KEY to my successfully losing 60 lbs. I changed my way of thinking.

Now, being 48, I am comfy at 140 lbs. Granted I gained some back, but I'm really feeling great. Also, after my hyst. nearly 12 years ago, my weight has been steady, give or take a lb.or two during holidays.

The nice thing about not eating "that thing" is that you can always have it later. They are NOT discontinuing chips,choclate cake. It'll taste better when you can afford to eat it!!