Originally Posted By: chatty lady
Josie, thats easier said than done dear. My husband and I owned a cocktail lounge called the Speakeasy and we were busy all the time. I saw men in there who had lovely wives and children and they were always chasing one young skirt or another. They told bare faced lies like, I'm single, never been married looking for just the right woman. They lied about jobs, said they were pilots, we were close to O'Hare. Six of these men actually rented an apartment together to take their conquest to. None of them lived there it was just a shack-pad.

After my first husband died, I met a man at a funeral I went to with my mom and we talked for quite awhile, and on the weekend he showed up at my work asking to give me a ride home. I took the bus back in those days. We went out probably three times and he was just delightful. Mother was invited to an anniversary party some weeks later and asked me to go with her, I did and as we sat there and people wandered in, mom called out to someone saying, Helen come meet my eldest daughter. I met her and she says, my husband is around here somewhere I want you to meet him Charlotte, (my mom's name.) Suddenly this man walks towards us and as I turn to meet him guess who it was, yep Steve, the man I had started dating and liking alot. If a man could actually drop his teeth or sh// nickles, he would have. Although he called me many times after that, that was it for me.
So you see Josie, sometimes a woman doesn't know a man is married and believe me it is hard to tell. They always have some comeback when quizzed.

What a atory, Chatty. I believe you that is not always easy to tell. I was a young whipper-snapper of about 17-18 when I went on a first date with "Woody." He seemed so charming and worldly. Plus, he had a car (Our family was too poor to ever own a car so being in one was a real treat.)

He took me to a drive-in and he turned into an octopus. I was furious and had him take me home immediately. I found out soon after that he was MARRIED, and to someone who would break a beer bottle over the head of anyone who so much as looked at her husband. Yikes!!!!! I avoided that particular social scene for a very long time and hoped "Woody" would never utter my name in his sleep. lol He never did, or I would have been a goner for sure.
Josie smile