I realize the reasons for shutting down postings in Polite Political Ponderings section in BWMS forums.

As a suggestion, for now maybe just a timeout about Obama for awhile? Has it ever occurred to Americans here, that some non-American participants here get tired of anything political gets driven often by comments about Obama or just U.S. politics?

It actually annoys some Canadians that Canadians read abit more about U.S. politics/events than Americans would even read about politics occurring in Canada..a very strong trade partner with the U.S. There are way too many stories amongst Canadians how little Americans seem to know the basic federal politics, history or geographic regions of Canada.

nevertheless I have learned alot at the grassroots level how U.S. health care is truly experienced by each of you as a patient...or at least an ailing patient if you cannot afford to pay private insurance.

I'm suggesting the time-out on Obama just for a few weeks or months? I posted a question on what media sources people regularil read. That would be interesting to read.

I would hate to see this forum afraid of tackling very difficult, controversial topics. We are grown women. Do we need the presence of men to discuss controversial topics or to debate?

And if the same old arguments come up..well there is the choice to ignore the thread. it is useful to have such threads..as evidence how people think and express themselves on certain subjects. Think of how this will be perceived...10 years from now. cool A tiny second in history.

But it's ok...there are other women-centred places to go on the Internet. And I go there..

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)