I don't know if your health benefit allows it, Eagle but it might be best to see a registered dietician since you do have a range of health conditions.

There is abit of debate about butter vs. margarine. We have neither at home. I have noticed for myself if I eat something that has a butter sauce...I get abit of diarrehea..which is probably the reality that my body is no longer used to alot of butter. I'd rather keep it that way....not much butter (Some butter in pastries doesn't affect me, but not alot.) I have abit of butter on rolls/bread...when I go out to eat at restaurants.

And buttering a muffin..is foreign to me! Already the muffin has some sort of fat..therefore why put butter on it??

We buy healthy artisan bread from the bakery..the bread is very good in terms of quality..no fat, sugar nor eggs. Just eating a slice with nothing on it for certain types, is a pleasure. If I put something on it, a slice of cheese.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)