Originally posted by flipperjo:
...a smoker is different from the over eater tho, in one important way - my cinnamon roll will not end up on your hips but your cig smoke can end up in my lungs.

That's my point Flipperjo. I sympathize with smokers. I'm sorry they are addicted, but unlike other addicts, their drug affects not only their health, but mine and I am concerned about that. At one time smoke did not affect me as adversely as it now does. I've heard that they have changed cigarettes so they now have hundreds of addictive and dangerous substances. Anyone know anything about that?

Flipper, Your MIL sounds like many COPD patients. Almost all cough, can hardly breathe, have no energy, and yet deny that smoking is their problem. I have seen them smoke through the tracheotomies performed to save their lives (usually from a smoking related disease). Others who can barely breathe insist their oxygen be turned off so they can smoke. Or worse yet, they endanger everyone by smoking with their oxygen ON.
I've also seen a lot of smokers who smoke while using the patch. That can be quite dangerous because it can precipitate a heart attack. Lung cancer is only one of many diseases brought on by smoking.

I wish all that was not true, but it is and to deny it is not helpful to a smoker or anyone else. Smoking makes you smell bad, gives you wrinkles, yellows your teeth and endangers not only the smoker, but those nearby. Anyone who smokes should do everything they can to stop.

Nobody is treating smokers like a 'lepers' or saying them like "nasty" people. But facts are facts.
And Chick, you're doing a wonderful thing not only for yourself, but for your friends, family, and fellow boomers who will all be thankful to have you around for a lot longer.
I'll be saying a prayer for your success. And we'll be here for you if we can help.

[ November 23, 2005, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]