Why do non-smokers resent smokers any more than the fellow who gorges himself on food every day and then finds himself with heart disease? That person is also contributing to the rising health care costs. People who are smoking while they drive donot kill people like a person who drives while he's had drugs or alcohol. That's who I resent. I worked in an office for 15+ years with heavy smokers. I am here and thank God healthy. Did I like that smoke, no, but I also respected my co-workers right to smoke.

A few days ago at my son's part time job a gentleman came in and bought some cigarettes. He wanted to stay in the shop awhile and smoke because it was cold out. He went outside the store and lit up his cigarette. My son said he went outside and invited the man back in and told him he was welcome to smoke in the store. My son said the man's face lit up and he said, "really?, cause no one lets me smoke anywhere inside, thanks." My son said hearing that made him feel bad for the guy.

My point is this, I've been around hundreds of smokers and none of it has hurt me. The hostile reactions of non-smokers is more hurtful to smokers than their smoke is to the public.

[ November 22, 2005, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: ladybug ]