Very well-written article!

I've seen celebrity rudeness and anonymous online rudeness, but I've not experienced face-to-face rudeness so much in my own personal life.....

Why is that? Maybe because I'm seeing way way too many people talking on cell phones anytime, anyplace, anywhere. It's almost as if we've turned into a society of isolated people, walking side by side with each other at the grocery store, but failing to interact, because we are in our own world. It's all about us and whoever we are talking to.

Personally, I have a cell phone which I carry for security reasons and if my husband needs to contact me while he is at work or in transit to home. I made a conscious decision to drive safely and to interact with people around me when in public. I think when we do not look at or talk to those around us in public, they become less important to our personal culture. And that in my opinion is not so good for the culture as a whole, particularly when our children look up to us as role models for their own behavior.
Josie smile