The credit for my acceptance and better understanding of smokers is entirely my sons. I wish you all could meet him. He saved my sanity when his dad, my husband had a stroke. He went on walks with me and listened to me rant and cry. At times he admitted, it brought him down too. We're over that now.

My point is: people will smoke and continue to smoke because they like it. Granted, it's not good for one's health but I also think it's high time that we stop treating smokers as if they have a dreaded disease. They help pay taxes and are contributing members of society just like the rest of us.

I want to help smokers by allowing them to post the problems society is also causing them to incur. Yes, it's a two-way street. With their help we can all come to a better understanding and acceptance. Let's all respect one another as we were meant to. We can't if we want only our side to be heard.