The website mentioned earlier has a lot of good information and I want to say thanks again to yepthatsme. I'll be studying this website before I make my decision. I do know several people who have very old tattoos that seem to have held up well. If you get yours on areas not prone to wrinkles like your back it should hold up nicely. Let's keep in contact and see how this progresses. When I mentioned it again to my husband he didn't like the idea but he knows that once I make up my mind to do something no one deters me. Gosh I do love that Ladybug tattoo on that website. About 33 years ago a friend got a butterfly tattoo on her abdomen. She had to go way out to Sandusky which is an hour away from me to get it done. Now we have a tattoo parlor right in my city. I think because tattoos are now so popular it's easier to find a parlor close by. My niece has one on her ankle as do several of her in-laws. Keep me posted.