Thanks, jawjaw! First of all,yes, my tech difficulties have been resolved! Thanks for your patience.

I'm pleased my advice helped! And I'm so pleased (and also think it's kind of funny), that you feel you'd have to burn any freewriting exercise! So, yes, we all DO have stories to tell!! The next step is, slowly but surely, telling them. Well, you know, you could just start with a bit of freewriting and choose not to show it to anyone...just see where the material leads you.

If anyone would like a writing prompt, here's one: What's the first sensation you remember on the soles of your feet? For example, was it sand on a beach? A freshly mowed lawn? Asphalt? Once you get in touch with this sensation, try writing a little scene around it. Where were you when you felt this? Who were you with? Did you feel happy? Sad? Confused?

I'd love for some of you to try this!! I'm at Vermont College of Fine Arts right now, and I might give this same exercise to my students here!! Sue
author, "Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir"