Ciao-Ciao, WELCOME! We're so glad you've joined us. I've always wondered if the rebound would be a good exerciser. I might try that in addition to my walking each day. I've bumped up the time to 45 minutes instead of 30. It was time.

Orchid, you asked about my diet. I am following a Weight Watchers program of counting points, although I am not a WW member. I just count the points that food has in it, watch the calories and fat content, and I TOTALLY do NOT

a) eat out at fast food places
b) drink any sodas (That's what you all call them, I call them cokes)
c) eat real sugar
d) eat white bread of ANY kind
e) eat chips
f) eat chocolate unless it is within my points and then only a small amount...and dark
g) eat regular mayo (only Hellmans lite)
h) eat after a certain time in the evening
i) snack late at all!
j) use salt (I use sea-salt sparingly)

and many more things. This isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. I intend to do this from now on. I fix all of my meals and being prepared ahead of time makes the difference. It keeps one from grabbing what is handy, or readily snack foods, chips, processed foods, etc.

I eat very little meat and if I do, it's chicken (baked) or fish (which I don't really care for) I have eaten enough chicken to lay eggs. But I eat like a horse and have great meals.

Yesterday for instance, I had cooked cauliflower with cheese, baked chicken, slaw w/Hellman's mayo & tomatoes/onions. It was 7 points. Then supper was a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with dijon mustard, sweet pickles, lettuce/onion, chips (special kind) with red peach salsa, water. Yum! Yum! 4 points.

For dessert I have either chocolate pudding (fat-free), watermelon, or some fruit, or a banana popsicle, or maybe a fruit tart. They vary from one point to two.
It's working! Everyone has to do what works for them. I was eating fried foods, greasy foods, and eating late at night. The handwriting was on the wall.

I knew diabetes was in my future if I didn't start taking care of myself. So...I committed to a lifestyle change.

I also set myself up with a small, reachable goal of 30 pounds to start with...which I reached a week ago. Then, I put a new goal in place. Another 30. After that, the goals will get smaller, but obtaining them will still remain HIGH priority for me. By Christmas I may be where I want to be, healthwise.

I LOVE fruits, veggies, and cooking, so it was relatively easy for me to do this, but when on vacation this past week, I did indulge in some pizza (3 whole pieces) and I had some brews while laying around the pool. I had to...I'm pretty sure it is a law somewhere.'s back to my commitment to myself.

Someone mentioned the smoking thing. My daddy told me once that when I was ready to quit, I would. I would simply lay them down. I protested...I said, "But you don't know how hard, bla...bla...bla." He just held up his hand and repeated, "when you are READY, you will lay them down." He was right. I quit six years ago (maybe longer?) and when I was READY, realllllllly ready and wasn't making excuses, I laid them down. PERIOD. End of smoking. I've never smoked another one.

Forgive my long post. They don't call me the Mouth of the South for nothing.