I highlighted so many sentences and paragraphs in this book. I just loved it. So I'm going to kinda review some of the pieces that spoke to me so you can get some fun feedback.

When speaking with your therapist:

"Which means, in my mind, that I'd be writing a story about a woman whose life is embarrassing, humiliating, shameful."

My comment is that I read both of your memoirs and devoured them. I can't imagine how many women you've helped by writing your story. What you wrote about may have felt shameful to you, but do you know how many other women have felt the same about their lives, but never opened their mouths until reading your words which had given them permission to heal?

Loved this:

"...living in houses that felt like prisons." Says so much in seven words.

Also liked when you were getting ready for a class you were teaching. While putting on clothes that gave others no idea of what you've lived through (clothes tell nothing, though we think they reveal something about us), you write:
"Any visible residue of a chaotic childhood is rinsed away."

I'm reading another memoir, Manic, by Terri Cheney. She is bi-polar and the people in her life (except for a very few) have no idea about her illness. The sentence above rings so true for her life too because she often talks about the way she dresses to make statements about hiding her secrets. Her mood often dictated what she wore, but it wasn't telling enough to those around her.

A few people I know have fairly recently been diagnosed as bi-polar so I've been reading quite a bit about the subject the past couple years.

This memoir is well written, but she jumps around from childhhod to college days, to her 30 and 40s too much. I wish she'd written with a time line; either starting now and going back, or beginning with childhood suspicions and growing with them. Her story has given me so much compassion for people living with bipolar. She's very good at sharing how you just race away with your emotions and honestly have no control.

Anyway, glad you are here, and I have so much more to share about your book.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.