There are no miracles and no MIRACLE MAN just a lot of hot air financed with our jobs and our hard earned money!!

Well for every dollar I break I put the change into a jar. When full I take it to the bank and cash it in. Have a special account only for that money. It is my "just in case" fund.

I also never buy anything the first time I see it. I wait a week or so and really think if I NEED (not want) it or not, If I do, I buy it but lately I have thrown most catalogs away and my spending is way down. Am I suffering for having less stuff? Nope!!!

I also do things by myself more now like wash my own car, saves me $18.00 right there. Weed the property, saves me $55.00. I also ride my bike more and that saves me hundreds in gas money. Every little bit helps.

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