celtic, this is a tremendously lovely post. I totally believe this woman was put in your life at the exact moement becasue you needed her and the reminder that God cares for you.

You are so human and honest with what you revealed abut your faith. It's beautiful.

Please know that eveyone becomes reliant on themselves, and all of us need the gentle reminders from little angels that God gently moves to touch us when needed. By His grace, your eyes were open to your spiritual world so you recognized His grace for what it is - grace!

As far as L being medicated, Get some oopinions, and remember it may not be the worse thing. It may give him a little more peace and calm which can give him and you a better quality of life.

WHile in the second grade, we had to place my daughter on medication for ADHD, something I never thought I would do. But guess what? After much research, we decided to try it knowing we could always take fer off if it didn't work. THink of it as trial and error; not a forever thing if need not be. The medicine was precisely what my daughter needed to help her learn. Her quality of life improved tremendously. Many times medicine is the answer for children who struggle.

Love to you celtic. You're a beautful woman, mother, and friend!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.