DJ, when I googled 'erisa [&blood] test' pages of investment info links resulted. Do you know how to find out what this test might be called now?

I newsletter in my an email today revisiting fluoride and its effects. In the article was a link to the site EagleHeart mentioned:
FAN - fluoride alert network
Some of what's in the article:

*Why does toothpaste carry a warning [to not swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride, contained in a pea size amount of toothpaste], but fluoridated water doesn't?

*When dental fluorosis occurs, it can be an indication that the rest of your body has been exposed to too much fluoride also, such as your bones and the rest of your organs, including your brain.

* ...plenty of studies showing the dangers of fluoride to your health, such as:
  • Increases lead absorption
    Disrupts synthesis of collagen
    Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
    Muscle disorders
    Brain damage, and lowered IQ
    Bone fractures
    Lowers thyroid function
    Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
    Inactivates 62 enzymes
    Inhibits formation of antibodies
    Genetic damage and cell death
    Increases tumor and cancer rate
    Disrupts immune system
    Damages sperm and increases infertility

*Link to this YouTube: WARNING: Never Swallow Regular Toothpaste

*... not in article, but about bottled water:
3. Who regulates the amount of fluoride allowed in bottled water? Since bottled water is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is the FDA that sets the limit as to the amount of fluoride that bottlers are allowed to add to their products according to 21 CFR ยง 165.110 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
If the amount of fluoride is not found on the label, you have to call the company. (