Summers are brutal in the Gulf Coast part of the south...humidity that will soak you to the bone after ten seconds of walking outside. Then there's the flies...deer fly, yellow fly and another one I can't think of at the moment...but, it also bites the heck out of you. I swear one year I took netting and attached it to a straw hat and draped it all the way down my body to keep the flies away from me so I could walk down to the mail box and back without getting eaten's, once it gets to this point I just stay indoors and watch the electric meter spin like crazy. Spring is the best time where I live...summer's suck! Then there's the hurricane season...June through Nov 15th...during the storms, the electric meter is given a break and nothing electrical works so Larry will crank up the generator and as the little window AC unit brought in from the garage does its thing, I sit with my face smack in front of it trying to keep cool. Okay...someone please explain to me why the heck I live down here? Sheesh!
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards