We can't "spring clean" because Spring brings WIND. LOVERLY! We often say our seasons are Winter, Wind and WAY TOO HOT! That's it!

Gardening: DH has the two gardens ready for planting about Mid-April, when we are clear of frost. It's loaded with local cow manure and our own compost.

The peach tree is LOADED with pea-sized peaches. UGH! WE canned over 100 jars in '07 and are NOT thrilled about maybe doing them again. We'll sell them at the market too, if need be since we still have jars left over.

I help DH...not a gardener at heart. But LOVE the harvest. He wants to do Yellow Watermelon, tomatoes, squash and cantelope. That's all I know for now. We LIVE on the melons all summer.