would recommend celtic that you do at least a recovery ride, which either is same distance at a slower pace or less distance if you feel still abit sore. After a few days, it goes away if one does moderate cycling several times a wk. That means one is getting more fit...:) Really. Every bit helps.

Dancer, cycling in 100 C dry heat is probably more for experienced cyclists. And they probably have built up acclimization by starting off in short distances at that temp.

When I lived in Ontario, we did bike touring with fully loaded panniers (2 of them per person) in the summer. In Eastern Canada, summers can become very humid..at 100% humidex with temperatures up to 90degrees F. (except for being by the Atlantic Ocean). To deal with this and also for my regular fitness rides (and commuting to work), I would start cycling very early in the morning...meaning approx. 6:30 am or earlier. On weekend, I would be done my cycling 2 hrs. later and have the whole rest of day to enjoy. So it's not a terrible thing after all. There are ways to cope. And so early, it's lovely and more quiet with the sun rising.

Certainly for cycling on a long distance trip from city to city, it meant that we would aim to get into town by 2:00-3:00 pm with several stops along the way to sit down to eat and drink.

As a result, my body now compared to 25 yrs. ago, is more atuned to waking up naturally without an alarm clock, at aroun 6:00-7:00 am.

The interior British Columbia or Okanagan Valley is B.C.'s wine-growing region. It is also Canada's desert. Dry hot temp. in summer up to 100 degrees F. I know for me to cycle at 90 degrees F, for only 1/2 hr., I find the air searing my throat. Probably because I'm not used to it since Vancouver is beautiful warm (not hot) at moderate humidity. Temp. no more than 80 degrees F. at most. though Vancouverites born here, think it's sweltering. To me,it's just perfect summer weather for climbing long hills (if one has to do this enroute. Seattle is something like our weather.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)