I have always been a very active person, but even in high school and college, if I jumped on a trampoline, sneezed suddenly or had to make a fast break in a sporting event, I would leak urine. It was irritating, but didn't slow me down. After my first child was born it got worse but I did kegels and improved.After my fourth child, however, even moderate walking would cause me to leak to the point where I had to wear a maxi pad all the time. I tried biofeedback and then electrical stimulation. That was real fun trying to do "kegel- type"exercises 3 times a day, 15 minutes a session locked in my attic with electrodes stuck on my you-know-what and the 4 kids banging on the door. I lasted 3 days of a 3 month regime and gave up. I then had my Gyn refer me to a surgeon who specializes in women and incontinence. After examining me for the first time, the doc told me in his most advanced medical jargon that I had a "crappy squeezer".