I didn't like myself for most of my life -- pretty, smart, personable -- things I was told I was -- and I didn't like myself at all. So as I got older I went through that time of looking in the mirror and remembering that slim and trim figure I used to have and I'd swear I was going on that diet and exercise program -- and then I'd see a new gray hair popping through and that new wrinkle and I remembered my pretty long blonde hair and smooth pink skin and I started to get depressed about it all --

BUT -- with all the soul searching I've done I think I'm finally to a point where it's not that important to me. I'm starting to like me -- my self worth isn't coming from what others think I should look like. I'm kinda proud of my battle wounds and scars [Smile] Now I look at a pretty little thing and say to my husband -- I remember those days -- but I like where I am now.

I do need to exercise -- but for my health.
I need to start eating well and drink more water because my body needs it more now than when I was young.

I am all for losing weight and getting healthy -- if you're doing it FOR YOU -- but it's my hope that women will start to realize that we don't all have to fit into a size 3 to be productive happy people.

Find peace within your soul and you might be surprised what looks back at you from that mirror next time [Wink]