I attended this same conference and I think it was sad that women (mainly boomers)were so wrapped up in what their bodies looked like. [Frown]
The point of the session was to get women to give it up and focus on who we are as women, and not to tie our worth into how we look. [Eek!]

I was happy to hear a couple older women be able to say that they had gotten to that point in the past few years.

I would be lying to say that I don't think about how I look, (I've stared at the cellulite cream at CVS more than once trying to decide if it was worth my money!) [Big Grin] , but I have found peace in knowing that God loves me in spite of my looks, and wants me to do the same. When we love ourselves for who we are inside, we may care about what we look like, but may not be obsessed with it becaue we know it doesn't come first. Make sense? Any thoughts.