New words: These are from the butler, Vegas, Kitty poem

Red, locate, include, cache

All I can think to say is this,
Don't you wonder how Wall Street,
Took such a twist.

Devilish dudes, handlin' large sums,
Compiled a cache, which swelled second to none.

Why they weren't red flagged,
and made accountable to show,
They were playin' unfair,
I would like to know.

For then shady investors,
And dirty-dealing dudes,
Might not think themselves so clever,
so smart 'n shrewed.

Now geocaching: That's a harmless thing,
They hide caches in hills, woods 'n springs,
It's a treasure hunt,
Stuff is innocently placed,
Nobody gets hurt,
Nobody gets disgraced.

New Words: You pick whatever pleases!

On second thought let's try:

Yellow, heartbroken, scum, rum

Edited by jabber (02/10/09 02:48 PM)