My mother works a full time job and once a month she will take a day and cook 4 different meals. Lets say as an example chili, soup, lasagna, chicken and rice...once cool she freezes a single portion in a container and marks it. She has a freezer full of low cost, substantial meals for anytime eating. Also watch the stores sale papers for when some items are two or three for a reasonable price. I was shocked recently on a trip to one of the local dollar stores we have here and found so many food items for a dollar or less and each I've tried are as good as the more expensive brands. Also get your toilet paper, paper towels etc. there and you'll find good values. Plus with all the fast food places offering really good choices on there menus theres no reason to eat more expensively. I am a chicken/fish person and never have a problem finding something for a dollar....

[ April 21, 2006, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]