I was in AZ visiting my mother and step f. It was an ordeal, not because of Mom's Alzheimer and cancer, but because of my step f. How could I have had him in my life for nearly 50 years and I am just now noticing how corrupt he is? I wanted to rescue my mom. I tried to have blessed moments with her, and he attempted to sabotage. Could he have such obsessive "love" that he was jealous? After all we have been through, even in my mom's dementia, she and I still have an uncanny ability to communicate, even without words. I picked a lemon for her to smell and all hell broke loose because I damaged his precious tree. He's thinking of reducing her meds without DR consent because he, step f, does not think they are working. Wow, a friend from here had an ordeal with her family with a mom with Alzheimer's so I was prepared this isn't going to be easy. I am looking for the lessons and moments of blessings. That is where I have been. PL