Yes. In most games, you hold a little remote in your hand (or you can buy extra gadgets like the golf club, baseball bat, fishing rod, etc) and you move it to perform the action...for example, you actually have to crouch down and move your arm as if you're bowling.

The Wii Fit is a little different. It has a board that you stand on and you do the exercises/play while standing on the board, and the Wii records your movements, then tells you how good (or bad) you're doing. Most of my Wii Fit experience (so far) has a lot to do with balancing the body and/or shifting my balance properly in order to perform the exercise/game (one of my current favourites is where I'm a penquin and I have to shift my body balance in such a way as to catch enough fish).

It's no wonder I'm in so much discomfort - my balance is so out-of-whack, it must be putting pressure on my spine, feet and affecting other parts of me as well. The Wii is teaching me how to balance properly, and how to relax my muscles (they're always in knots).

Edited by Eagle Heart (01/18/09 12:25 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)