Oh my DJ how awful for you. Eight years or so ago, I went to step down on the bottom step of my deck and the step was rotten undrer the carpet and caved in and my left foot went through it and the right foot smashed down onto the concrete walkway. I fell on my knees. Being super woman (HAH!!!) I pulled myself up, crawled into the house and for FOUR days I walked on those feet. Finally my ex said, you look terrible and the swelling is not going down on those sprained ankles.

We went to the emergency room, took exrays, and I had broken my right ankle in two places, and badly sprained the left ankle. They set my right leg up to the knee with a cast. So don't worry about waiting until Monday, not a problem unless you wait too long and the bones start too heal wrongly... Then they have to rebreak them but thats not the case here in only a few days. After my cast was removed in six weeks I had to wear a boot for another four weeks.

I hope you're better soon, takes awhile but you'll heal just fine. You know the sprain was actually more painful to me thaqn the broken bones were. Go figure!
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