Thanks DJ. Interesting choice of encouragement...may the force be with you...we've been watching my brother's collection of Star Wars movies. So far we've seen Parts I and II of the Prequel Trilogy, going to watch III tonight, and then next week start in on the older series. So "may the force be with you" is a timely echo here!

As far as the dietary changes go, I'm going to work on one change at a time. Right now, this week, we're permanently banning all white bread products. I did exactly what you suggested, told hubby that no matter how much I beg, he can't allow me to put white bread, white English muffins or any other white flour products in the shopping cart. He doesn't eat white bread, and the only reason we ever have any in the house is when guests come. So we bought some for Christmas, and just finished the last of the raisin bread (my particular weakness) last night.

So we'll start small. We're heading to the Caribbean soon for our winter escape and don't have as much control over what's served, but since all meals are buffet, I can pick only what fits my dietary vision. Our experience is that both of us feel much healthier when we're there, so perhaps the combination of sunlight, exercise and better fresh food choices (no pesticides) can help me pinpoint what I need to copy when we get back home!

I've also started exercising more, albeit with the Wii, but it's fun, and a good place to start...better than nothing.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)