Thanks for the responses. Wow Chatty, I looked in webMD before and didn't get all this information.

Seek, I am not allergic to eggs and I read everything carefully before I had the shot.

Chickadee, it was only the shoulder I had the shot.

Even the doctor I saw said she never heard of this side effect before. I asked her if it was possible if the problem has been there and the flu shot triggered the soreness and swelling. She said it was. If that is the case, then the flu shot did me a favor, otherwise I wouldn't have known it was there.

I am trying to get in for a follow up, but it is difficult to see your regular doctor this time of year because of the Holidays and vacations, etc... I am going to have to try to go next week sometime.

Sorry to hear about your Husband Dotsie and what he went through.

You too, DJ.

Thanks again.

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!