50 is the new 40, as long as you look 40! If you look 50 then its just 50! I wanna make-over. I'll stand in that glass box and have everyone point and stare and comment on my brown teeth and blotchy skin if it means I can have a make-over. I don't mean a tube of lipstick and a new hair-do that only looks good when a professional does it either. I'm talking lifts, tucks, implants, veneers, the full monty. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with looking surprised, it must be better than being invisible.

I have a beautiful spirit but no one notices it because if is wrapped in 53 year old, sun damaged skin. Everyone knows that presentation is everything. You don't present a gorgeous diamond in a gunny sack.

Ok, Louie notices my beautiful spirit, but only if I have turkey in my hand. Louie is my daughters 135 lb. dog!