this is kind of crazy, but when i was in graduate school, i did a past life regression and i think it was dr. weiss himself. but can't remember for sure.

anyway, i was raised in a traditional religion that taught heaven and hell, but as a teen, i started investigating myself (have always been a spiritual seeker) and found that i believed in past lives. it just made the most sense to me of all of the possibilities i had heard thus far).

i also resonate with the people here (mama and deborah) who feel, as opposed to see. i have had problems with visualization exercises . . . i don't always see . . . sometimes i do, but i always get info in words or feelings. not everyone is visual. it must be a dominant way of experiencing, though, because most people who do any kind of visualization exercises usually ask you to envision this or that or note what you see.

i have also done shamanic journeying . . . and have had all kinds of experiences.

i also think we pick our parents and wonder what i was thinking in the case of one of my parents!!!

interesting thread.
All shall
be well,
and all shall
be well,
and all manner
of thing
shall be well.

dame julian of norwich - 14th century - mystic