DJ, I think the same way. I don't think that we come back to earth as humans more than once, but I do believe that our DNA is imprinted with the experiences and especially emotional experiences of our ancestors. So that when we think we're experiencing a past life, it may be a sort of collective unconscious from our ancestral DNA pool which culminates in us (and will continue to build with each new generation).

I also believe that our loved ones aren't entirely gone from us when they die. I think they're available to us whenever we need them, but that we have to use our spiritual eyes and ears to you say, through dreams, ideas and inspirations - "God-incidences" so to speak.

I've had some interesting experiences lately in regard to my brother. I don't know if it's considered to be in-topic, but it's sort of relevant. This happens so many times, I can't believe it's just coincidence. I'll see someone in the distance whose walk, mannerisms or body features are EXACTLY the same as my brother's. Not everything is exact, but one visible aspect will be so exact that it takes my breath away. Then the person turns and looks STRAIGHT AT ME, in the eyes, then moves away. Yesterday it happened in the grocery store. From the side angle, his face was the same shape, the same glasses, the guy was even chewing the inside of his mouth just like Gary always used to do. Even hubby saw him and was taken aback. Then the guy turned and looked me in the eye, then wandered off. So bizarre, but each episode actually makes my heart jump for joy, because I'm willing to believe in the possibility that Gary's using these moments to remind me that he's not very far away and is everywhere and in everything around me. It brings great comfort.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)