A MOST interesting thread!

In the 70s and 80s I believed absolutely in past lifes and was in a Cayce study group for several years. From early childhood I had experiences which had convinced me that there was more to our existance than what we could experience through our physical senses....and particularly my experiences as a midwife and then hospice nurse. But then, a couple of Philosophy classes in the mid 90s led me to question and explore my belief system. I'm no longer so convinced that something is true and real simply because I thought I experienced it...just leaving open the possiblity that my mind may have created the experience for whatever reason.

That said...I did have a fantastic past life regression approximately ten years ago. I remembered in great detail snippets of three previous lives which were still being dealt with in this one. The remembrances explained some of my present life experiences.

I had never been regressed before though I was very familiar with relaxation and meditation. One thing that I think was a little unusual according to the person regressing me was that the usual instructions to "look" or "see" did not work with me...I had no visual experience until I stopped trying to see and just "felt" (I've always known that I'm more aware of feelings than visual things)...once I took the time to "feel" then I was able to "see" ...sorry if that doesn't make sense..its the only way I can describe it...the person regressing me said that she'd not had that happen before...but what it did for me was add another level of assurance that the experience was not "placed" in my head by another person....she was directing me to become relaxed and to a hallway with many doors...I picked the door to open and then stepped through the door and described to her what was there. I do have it all on audio tape and enjoy re-listening to it.

I have recently found myself thinking about doing this again but have lost touch with the person who helped me. Anyone have any leads?

I've enjoyed and am still exploring the various links in this thread. MamaRed your YouTube presentation was fabulous and you are a great story-teller!! Thanks for the effort of putting it together!