Aw you've done it (grin)...touched my heart and started the tears flowing. What kind words from you, someone I admire and honor tremendously. Your gift of humor and kindness is something I aspire to.

I look forward to learning more about the precious souls who call this their online home! It has taken many years, and a ton of soul searching and a gazillion (maybe just a tad less), starts and stops to step into this role. I love it, I always have, and it has been a journey with a great many detours into self doubt and self abuse. That is why, I believe, I want so much to do this take what I have learned and reach out to others who are in that place and can, if they wish, take what I've learned, what I teach, and make it their own.
Love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed (Jerilynne)
Coming Summer 2009 "Kick-Butt Kindness: 52 No Cost Ways to Ripple Kindness 'Round the World"

Let's create Kick-Butt-and-Take-Names Lives!