Discovering subtleties
Of rare explicit crudity..
Yet, exquisite reward in kind.
Joy indeed overlaps all
-uplifting, unpeeling stratums
of wintery weary days
lending to separate light inside,
knowing no boundaries.
I shut my eyes in order to perceive
.....reaching, seeing.

Hey Ho, new update on 'tree of life' missive

Having just completed stage one today and I have to acknowledge that I am well pleased with the whole organic flow to this piece.

Stage two is to replicate the first stage as a root system reflecting what lies above. Now, a new and advanced evolution in that I will use two clear thick piece of Perspex where I will split the two forms. In between the Perspex, I will collage with leaves, (both real and constructed); photo's and found papers with some sketching too.

Both branches and root systems will be adorned accordingly and once I have finished 'drawing with wire', I will add pieces that will inform the observer of my particular story
From the outset of primary drawings, my personal engagement with the work involved has been imbrued with a soft but grounded spirituality and at times I have been completely unaware of all other goings on around me as I become more and more of the most central points for me as the artisan I am evolving toward.

My pictures speak for themselves as they denote my sheer bonded delight at the mastery of new skills along with my expressive imagination. To some observers, I suspect that my unashamedly abstract approach will confound, confuse and cause conflict as to the pieces’ contextual home...each to their

I should have this piece finished by Friday, but here are a few other pics to illustrate the flotsam and jetsam change and/or flow. In this case, form does not follow function, which is important to any designer/creator who has a drive for individual and not derivative.


''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love