I am almost afraid to post this but here goes. I am winning poker sixteen days straight! A few weeks ago I decided to take yet another serious look at myself and what I wanted to do about my game. I am always trying to find ways to improve. I really am committed to my goal.

Anyway...I think I have found the secret to winning. Shhh...can't say here. I have a journal about what works or doesn't work for me. I've read the books but there is something missing...thsy don't tell you HOW to win. So I post in my journal about what "I" think is correct contrary to the books, online info etc.

I was going to post this a few days ago a thought I might jinx myself ha ha. ( We poker players are a suspicious bunch.)

I decided to act like a Pro, think like a Pro and just BE a Pro.

I am one more step closer to being the world's best Pro Lady of Poker. EW I may steal that nickname ACE with LACE for myself.

Wish me luck.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~