EW, my pleasure to contribute to your creative juices. You might browse through amazon to find other books like yours. Your first category is fiction. You mention "love" is it romance, you mention crime, is it true crime? you mention suspense, is it a thriller? And what makes it contemporary? Do you have dialogue? What is the plot and theme? That might help determine sub categories of genre. I revise my "might browse" wording: you really have to browse amazon or some sort of book seller. As for writer's conferences, I went to this: Vermont College Post graduate Writer's Conference, summer 2005. It was worth every penny. It was 10 days of reading, writing, learning, and being with others who love to write. My faculty leader was Sue William Silverman in the "creative non-fiction" group. Sue wanted to recommend me for the MFA, and I said I could not afford it. Then, I spent all my money investing in the real estate business. What conference is in Colorado? I don't even know.